I had a super fun time finding common phrases with "heart" in 'em for my new header.
Here' are some of my favorites.
Do you have any? Bonus points if you can link to an 80's music video.
heart is set on
heart misses a beat
heart of gold
heart of stone
heart of the matter
heart on one's sleeve
heart's content
two of hearts
lonely heart
heart to heart
cold hearted
break someone's heart
change of heart
cross my heart
open your heart
get to the heart of
heart failure
heavy heart
pour one's heart out
set one's heart on
steal someone's heart (heart thief!)
warm the cockles of one's heart
young at heart.
heart and soul
Alyson adds:
tell it to my heart
hungry heart
Sarah adds:
cold hands, warm heart
heart in my throat
eat your heart out
the heart of darkness
be still my heart
young hearts run free
Tammy adds:
hearts on fire
Which reminded me of one of my favorite songs this year. and a video with a beautiful man.
hearts on fire
ha, so fun!
tell it to my heart - taylor dayne
heartache tonight - eagles
hungry heart - springsteen
that's all I got for now.
love this stuff, here are my favs:
cold hands, warm heart
heart in my throat
eat your heart out
the heart of darkness
be still my heart
and some vids just for fun:
straight from the heart, bryan adams. I think this just missed the eighties .
works for me!
you guys are great!
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