Wednesday, April 30, 2008
I want to ride my bicycle.

Riding bikes allover on Saturday and Sunday has inspired me to get my biking act together. I have a cute grass green 70's Schwinn Suburban. I look like the wicked witch of the west when I ride it.
I didn't have a helmet or lights so I rode sandwiched between the two. We took side streets the whole way. For light, I held kel's spare headlight in my hand. Plus, none of my purses are geared (no pun intended) for riding. Not ideal.
Yesterday, I sat down determined to find everything I needed, cute helmet (ea, I said it...cute helmet), lights and a basket. Because honestly, my bike was built for a basket. I have wanted this basket since I first saw it last spring.
Wait, what is that you say? I need a fabulous, flouncy dress to complete the ensemble? Ok...
And shoes?
So there we have it.
helmet, lights, basket, dress, shoes, listen to queen and ride my bike.

I am. Really truly. But, there is something I love about these felt weapons.
Especially the grenade.
Maybe it is the fact that they are so innocuous.
I might try to recreate a few...then i'll make an animated gif. Oooh.
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
Cut Copy

Ok, so leah and I went to Cut Copy last night and it was r-a-d.
No really. It was sold out. The entire place dancing was their little buns off. We ran into new friends. Got drinks afterward and chatted up the lead singer of the opening band The Black Kids. Ran into more new friends. And stayed out til 2am on a Monday.
I love Portland.
On a side note, I think 'Bright Like Neon Love' is one of my favorite album titles. Think about it. Bright like neon love. I want everyone to find some neon love.
J: That milk looks funny.
Jess: What?
J: That milk looks funny.
Jess: What milk.
J: The milk you are pouring.
Jess: Umm, this is sugar. I'm pouring sugar.
Jess: What?
J: That milk looks funny.
Jess: What milk.
J: The milk you are pouring.
Jess: Umm, this is sugar. I'm pouring sugar.
Wise Words

I was browsing Things I Have Learned In My Life So Far and stumbled upon these wise words.
All us ladies should take note. Although, It will not effect my in the moment decision making skills. I can tell you that right now.
They have a book too.
(image jack born)
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Antony and PICA together again.

PICA announced their line up for TBA '08 last night and topping it off is Antony.
At the Schnitz.
With the Oregon Symphony.
And the return of Vivarium Studio. I really enjoyed them the first time around.
I. Can't. Wait.
Blogger is messing with me.
I sat to post a comment on czina's page and stalled when I got the verification code:

Then I tried again.

And as they say, third times a charm.

Listen, I stayed out late last night. Late enough to see the lights come on in the bar.
I don't think I have done that since I was 22.
It was fun. Kel, Leah and I rode bikes and ate wasabi peas and drank whiskey. And beer.
Kel pulled rank and said: "She is looking at me with those puppy dog eyes I use when I want her to stay out longer."
To which I replied: "Yes, but that is usually 7pm on a Monday and it is 1am on a Saturday aaaand I have no excuse. Let's go!"
And Leah said "Eh, it is on my way home."
I digress. Blogger, there is no need for this confusion. It is making my head hurt. More.

Then I tried again.

And as they say, third times a charm.

Listen, I stayed out late last night. Late enough to see the lights come on in the bar.
I don't think I have done that since I was 22.
It was fun. Kel, Leah and I rode bikes and ate wasabi peas and drank whiskey. And beer.
Kel pulled rank and said: "She is looking at me with those puppy dog eyes I use when I want her to stay out longer."
To which I replied: "Yes, but that is usually 7pm on a Monday and it is 1am on a Saturday aaaand I have no excuse. Let's go!"
And Leah said "Eh, it is on my way home."
I digress. Blogger, there is no need for this confusion. It is making my head hurt. More.
Friday, April 25, 2008
Church + State

The sun is out today. Hooray!
It makes me want fun springtime dresses that flare when you chaînés.
Can't chaînés yet. But soon, very soon.
These are perfect examples of dresses fit for my mood today from the local company church + state.
P.S. The model was our cocktail waiter the other night. It reminds me how small Portland is when that happens.
My Blueberry Nights

My Blueberry Nights has finally hit Portland. Anyone want to see it with me this weekend?
In The Mood For Love is one of my most favorite movies ever. Romantic, beautifully art directed, the costumes, the dresses, the music....
I have high expectations for the new one.
Thursday, April 24, 2008

I keep walking by Pistils Nursery on Mississippi and ogling their terrariums.
I used to make terrariums when I was in elementary school. The kind mother's love....with worms and mud etc.
I have been trying to find some huge medicine jars to use like the ones in the picture and think a trip to ikea (against my dismay) is in order.
I used to have this quaint little window garden but the cats dug it up and I got sick of sweeping up potting soil every night. I bet they will keep their paws out of a terrarium.
Or climb right in. I don't know which yet.
Neutral man friend with woodworking tools to help me with a project.
Is creative, spontaneous, likes my music and will devour my food with pleasure.
No one that will refer to me as hot legs or fall in love.
(Could be a lady but I can't find any with woodworking tools.)
Is creative, spontaneous, likes my music and will devour my food with pleasure.
No one that will refer to me as hot legs or fall in love.
(Could be a lady but I can't find any with woodworking tools.)
Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Nothing makes me want to cook more than seeing pictures of food. I stumbled upon Veganomicon's Flickr this morning and it lifted my spirits for the five minutes I had to peruse.
I need more motivation to cook these days.
•For starters, it is just me. Not so much fun to make fancy meals for one.
•Secondly, I would much rather go out then stay in and cook for one. I don't get to see people during my work day since a lot is done sitting at home alone, or in people's homes when they are not home.
•Thirdly, I get paid to cook for others and that has sort of taken the fun out of it and made it a chore.
But I do have beets. I do have carrots and sweet potatoes and these Autumn Latkes would be perfect for this Autumn day.
(Don't even get me started on the rainy, windy, 40 degree late April weather. My heating bill is gonna look like December's and I made my morning oatmeal with pumpkin.)
The book is great and the flickr is too. So chin up.
(Image via: isa chandra)
Sissy Face
Ror was in town last weekend and I it was so fantastic.
I really wish she lived here.
Or me there.
But really her here.
We shopped, ate, drank, lounged, cooked, laughed, gossiped, got know, sisterly things.
And visited with Liam who is 14 months now. And oh so cute. He is lucky to have rad older sisters like us.
Friday, April 18, 2008

Opening party for Self Projections at Milepost5 tonight.
26 artists, 4 film makers and 4 bands
If anyone wants to join you know where to find me.
Blonde Redhead
Miranda July does one pose a second in this Mike Mills directed video for Blonde Redhead's Top Ranking off their upcoming album 23.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
A: Pliates. that is spelled like pirates without the 'r' right?
J. Yeah, it is.
That is right folks. Pilates. Like pirates but without the argh.
J. Yeah, it is.
That is right folks. Pilates. Like pirates but without the argh.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race

Remaking designer hand bags in canvas.
Minimalizing designs to their core.
Treating a clothing line like a curated gallery show.
Yes, yes, & yes.
This is a box of 10 re-worked t-shirt designs. And a model wearing all ten. I kinda want it. Only 100 bones. Not bad at all.
Slow and Steady Wins the Race.
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
I saw yous....
No Kids

Going to No Kids tonight at Holocene. Kinda stoked. I need a night out.
Busy still today. Grr.
Download : No Kids – Halloween
& The Beaches All Closed
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Elijah Gabba Gabba
I am super busy today...and the past few weeks.
I will leave you with this video of Elijah Wood from Yo Gabba Gabba.
Further proof that we are meant to be together. This was EXACTLY how I danced on New Year's Eve.
(I hear you laughing and judging. But deep down I know you think it is hella i will ignore.)
We would have so much fun together.
I can picture it now.....
I will leave you with this video of Elijah Wood from Yo Gabba Gabba.
Further proof that we are meant to be together. This was EXACTLY how I danced on New Year's Eve.
(I hear you laughing and judging. But deep down I know you think it is hella i will ignore.)
We would have so much fun together.
I can picture it now.....

Very busy today...and well the past few weeks. I posted a new recipe on Unique Eggbeater for the first time in like 2 months.
I am working on a marketing campaign for a Naturopath and part of it is creating recipes that ascribe to the anti-inflammatory diet she has most of her patients on. Then we send out a weekly e-mail with the recipes in 'em.
I'm trying to get back blogging on eggbeater. The whole getting dark early in winter natural light to take good food photos....was getting to me.
Plus I want to re-design the site and haven't had time to do so. Hence, hiatus.
Welcome spring. Welcome light. Welcome CSAs and motivation.
It's on.
Monday, April 14, 2008
Laura Seymour
I am loving the dresses from Laura Seymour's Spring 2008 Collection. They look put together but effortless all the same.
I think that is what everyone wants for Spring/Summer looks. Especially me.
It was 83 degrees in Portland on Saturday and I must say, it was refreshing to walk around in a sleeveless dress with bare legs. I wasn't alone either. It seemed like every gal I encountered on Saturday evening was vibing the same.
Grey Gardens.
A introduced me to Grey Gardens last year. Sometimes when we are working she will break into singing songs like Edie Beale.
If you haven't watched the original do. You will not regret it.
Alicia J. Rose

The site I was working on for the past two weeks is finally up. It is Alicia Rose's photography site.
I like her stuff pretty well. Her fairy tale series is pretty amazing...especially with the whole seven deadly drag queens. I made their sashes too!
Her images of Naomi Pomeroy from the Beast session were featured in this months issue of Elle too.
Check it our here.
Photo: Alicia J. Rose
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Friday, April 11, 2008
Buckman Bash

Joe donated some art to the Buckman Bash fundraiser so Annette and I get tickies!
I'm excited to get out.
If anyone in Portland has nothing to do and an extra 50 bones lying around...come with!
Even pitchfork knows about it.
Have a great weekend!

Sustainable botanical gardens in Medellin, Colombia.
I want something like it in Portland. Anyone?
It is beauty from every angle.
Plan B Architects. (Kitschy site. I can't read it or navigate well but it looks nice.)
Thursday, April 10, 2008
Recycled Rolodex
I would actually start using a rolodex again.
This is the cutest idea. Wish it was mine.
The address cards are all made from magazine subscription inserts.
Eco-friendly. Good design. Clever idea.
Ugly Kitty.
Conversations. And a Video.
Kid Sister ft. Kanye West - "Pro Nails" from Ruben Fleischer on Vimeo.
G: I think it's funny that Kanye starts out his rap by pointing out that, "Yes, here I am on this song. Why? Because I liked it."
J: i know...anthem. i was thinking yesterday while listening to clipse, kid sister and spank rock that my favorite thing about rap is how they stretch the limits of language so words and stanzas sound beautiful together.
G: I love that rap uses all sorts of formally described techniques from poetry like, different types of rhyming schemes. But then there is this unique thing where.. it's not like poetry where you can have somebody else write it and you read it, the delivery is half the art.
J: Exactly.
G:Like Kanye's funny little internal rhyme "goods" with "could"
J: I think it goes "to hide the goods i would need pants big as hammers."
I am obsessed with this video right now. I understand that it isn't for everyone and half of the love is seeing my excitement about it and dancing for you while I make you watch it.
(If you are so lucky.)
But, Reuben Fleischer is a genius and break dancing finger shoes! Who doesn't love break dancing finger shoes? I sure did.

Yea! Yea! Yea! & YEA!
I can't wait to see what kind of affordable gems this collaboration comes up with.
That might be a sissy trippy to the bay area just to see.
Fall 2008
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
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