I am super nostalgic about things from my childhood. I share this passion with my sister. When I was growing up my Favorite kids book was "But No Elephants" by Jerry Smath. It has been out of print for ages but I thought that I would search amazon just in case.
What I found was not only did sellers have used copies but they were selling them for dirt cheap plus shipping. I got two copies from a local book sellers but the combined total was less than $10 for two.
I searched again for another book I wanted to get for my whole family but am not in a position to spend $20/ ea on top of their gifts. There were 3+ copies for about $5.00/ea including shipping.
Gift giving is looking up for this lady on a budget.
What is your favorite children's book?
my favorite book growing up was a tie between go dog go - dr suess and uncle remus stories.
Hands down - Pat the Bunny...
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