Cold weather and my hands and feet are official enemies. I have Reynaud's. So does my mom. And sister.
This means that my fingers and toes loose circulation and turn white in the cold. And by cold I mean 50˚. It progressively gets worse. My mom's fingers loose circulation in the 60s.
Gloves for us are sacred. I usually double up and layer thin, knit gloves and bulky mittens. This year I want leather gloves. Preferably opera length. I had a perfect pair a couple years ago that I accidentally left in a cab in NY. Oops.
4 teaspoons agar-agar, powder 1 cup cold water 1 3/4 cups granulated sugar 3/4 cup light corn syrup 2 tablespoon vanilla extract 1/4 cup arrowroot 1/4 cup confectioners' sugar
Soak agar-agar in ½ cup cold water until water is absorbed and powder is saturated. Combine ½ cup cold water, 1¾ cup granulated sugar and ¾ cup corn syrup in saucepan and bring to a boil, stirring constantly. Reduce heat and continue cooking and stirring until sugar mixture thickens and forms a strand or ball in cold water. Immediately remove from heat -set aside. Heat agar over medium heat and stir until dissolves. Spoon into mixer bowl. Add vanilla extract and with beaters on high speed, slowly pour hot sugar mixture onto agar-agar. Continue beating on high speed for about 10 minutes, or until mixture turns white and resembles well-beaten egg whites. Combine arrowroot and confectioner's sugar in bowl. Generously sprinkle a 9 x9 pan with the mixture and pour agar mixture into pan. Sprinkle top with more cornstarch and sugar to coat well. After "marshmallows" firm up, slice into squares and wrap in plastic or serve immediately.